Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday thoughts

 My random Friday thoughts. . .
Another good quote from my girls which they put in their lockers.  A fine line to walk.  

Getting ready for Thanksgiving and getting Christmas stuff done.  Have 2 gifts I am making this year.  Need to get those done.  This year our extended families did away with our gifts to siblings/cousins etc.  We decided to instead donate the money we would have spent to a cause of our choice.  I think this is a great idea!  We adopt a child at Christmas, but this year because of that gift change with our families, we are able to adopt two.  Adopt a child Christmas shopping is on our list for this weekend along with basketball games, piano recital, taking pictures and getting the house cleaned.  Ha!  We will see what we actually get done!  Also need to make our Grateful tree.
This was last year's.  So much to be grateful for!  Looking forward to these next couple weeks!

Enjoy your weekend!  Have a great one!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Do you have one of those special machines that cuts all those leaves for the tree? Love that idea.
