Monday, February 16, 2015

2015 Blue Jeans Week 7

This week I got our taxes done.  Always nice to have that over with.  I had to do extra this year and do Miss A's since she worked all summer.  Had 2 basketball games, did a school Valentine's party, enjoyed a family fun day in the city, Miss A got first in her forensics meet, and enjoyed a nice Valentine's Day weekend with my family.  Take a look at our week. . .
The joy of the tax season.  But they are done, refund coming, and it is all good!  

Basketball game #1 for the week.  Miss O is playing really well.  So proud of her.  She has a great coach and a great team!  Just a few more weeks in the season. . .and then track starts :)  Never a dull moment.

Mr J's class Valentine's party.  They had to open a Hershey's kiss with the gloves on :)  As you can see, he really liked the game :)

For Wednesday night church youth activity we made valentine's for the ladies in our church.  Lots of creativity going on here!

Kids didn't have school Thursday or Friday, so we headed up to the city for some appointments and then had some family fun.  Ben took the day off, and we went ice skating.  Usually it is really crowded, but we were the only ones there for about 2 hours.  It was nice to have the place to ourselves!

Mr J figuring out the ice skating thing :)

My beautiful flowers that greeted me Saturday morning.  I love roses! and I really love the guy that gave them to me :)

The girls making chocolate dipped strawberries for our Valentine's dinner.

Miss A had a forensics meet on Saturday.  She got a 1st place and qualified for State in original oration--which was a 10 minute memorized speech that she wrote.  Way to go Miss A!

Our traditional Valentine's Day dinner at my parents with the sister missionaries, my sister and brother-in-law and some other family friends.  It was a very nice evening!

Thanks for visiting!  Hope you have a great week!


  1. Looks like a super fun Valentine's week. We got our taxes filed too but still need to do Tyler's. That will be easy though-next weekend! Congrats to Miss A on her 1st place win and qualifying for state. That is awesome. Speech and Debate is hard stuff. You must be so proud. Have a great week :0)

  2. I LOVE your tradition of making a sunflower cake for the state's birthday, and also the idea of decorating a Valentine's Day box for everyone to put their valentines to each other. Traditions really are so important.

    Congrats to the kids on the spelling bee and qualifying for state in a 10 minute memorized speech! WOW!!! Those chocolate covered strawberry tuxedos are TOO CUTE! :)
