Monday, May 18, 2015

2015 Blue Jeans Week 20

What a week, what a week, what a crazy busy week, but school is officially out for the summer here!!!!  We made it through our crazy busy last week of 3 concerts, a track meet, 3 awards assemblies, and finals and Little Oscars--which is our high school's fancy theater's awards.  Sunday morning we all took a collective sigh and then took at nap after church.  So here is a look at our crazy busy, last week of school. . .
The week started off on a great note with Mother's Day.  Miss O made me a key lime cheesecake.  Yum!  Yes, I am spoiled and very blessed to have these four amazing kids and to be their mom!

Concert #1 of the week--middle school band and choir--this is Miss E's jazz band.  Awesome!

Concert #2 of the week--high school choir.  Miss A on the far right.  Miss O was supposed to be there also, but her league track meet was at the same time, so Ben and Miss O were at her track meet and I went with the other kids to watch Miss A in her choir concert.  

Final concert #3 of the week--high school band.  Love it!

And Mr J got side walk chalk as an end of the year prize and had to come home and make sure it worked :)

These are some of my amazing friends.  We have been friends for over 15 years.  The oldest girl of my friend on the right graduated from high school this weekend.  Crazy!!!  So grateful for good friends who are there through thick and thin!  We enjoyed celebrating with my friend and her daughter.  Next year it will be me with the senior--crazy!

Miss A and Miss O were the pianists for the Little Oscars awards.  They did a great job!

And Miss A won an Oscar for best female rookie of the year.  Awesome!  

And last but not least, our traditional "Toyota" last day of school jump!!!

Summer we are here!

Thanks for visiting!  Come back soon!


  1. Such a fun Toyota jump shot and a great way to celebrate the end of the school year. Lucky them being out and having a 3 month summer. Our summer always seems so short. Great Mother's Day picture and what a full week! All the concerts look amazing. Now get some rest and have some fun!

  2. Just LOVE following your BUSY family… What a great MOM… your kids are the greatest because of your had work!!!! BLESSINGS to you all!

  3. I love your traditional end of year photo jump. Looking forward to my own in another week!
